Boost for Hightech-Startups

TRIDELTA Campus / Janina Kühn 23.06.2023

Unique support from experienced mentors for technology-focused startups offers an entirely new business incubation program

With new "Hightech Incubator" program, startups can benefit from first-class support. The Campus Business Angels are experienced entrepreneurs. They are willing to invest their experience, competencies and networking power and in promising startups.

The Campus Business Angels are selected mentors for different areas of expertise relevant to startups. They run successful companies or institutions and bring valuable know-how and an extensive network of contacts to the program. They support startups in:

  • the strategic orientation
  • the development of business plans
  • scaling their businesses

"Significantly increase chances of success, shorten the learning curve and make valuable contacts. These are the great advantages for our young companies" says Janina Kühn, Managing Director of Tridelta Campus Hermsdorf e.V., "Participants of our Hightech Incubator Program are not only guaranteed networking with the high-tech companies at TRIDELTA CAMPUS. Rather, they also receive involvement in public relations, R&D and local projects and become part of Europe's leading center for hightech ceramics."

With Hightech Incubator Program, TRIDELTA CAMPUS is giving new impetus to the future of the high-tech location and its innovative strength.

For more information click here .