Hightech Incubator

Incubator program for high-tech startups and founders

An initiative of TRIDELTA CAMPUS.

Our Incubator Program offers a unique platform for startups and founders. Here in Europe's leading center for hightech ceramics, we have created the optimal conditions to realize thousands of new products.

As part of the high-tech maker family, a startup benefits from the flexible, medium-sized company structure, excellent manufacturing know-how and many years of experience in research and development. This unique cooperation triangle at TRIDELTA CAMPUS enables ideas to become reality.

With help of our program, founders turn small ideas into products and innovations.

Innovation and Spirit of research

Our region is characterized by a unique blend of tradition, innovation and spirit of research, which also shapes the exceptional working atmosphere at TRIDELTA CAMPUS. The future is created here and now. At TRIDELTA CAMPUS, we create market-leading technology solutions for an international clientele.

Thanks to short distances and a collaborative CAMPUS spirit, we achieve success in research and development, in attracting young talents, and in topics relevant to the location.

Europe's leading center for hightech ceramics thus offers the best conditions for setting up a company.

Networking and Cooperation

At TRIDELTA CAMPUS, startups benefit especially from networking with high-tech companies. Through our established connections, young entrepreneurs gain access to valuable on-site collaborations and partnerships; for example, through events and functions such as the CAMPUS Café, CEO rounds or other formats.

Opportunities for cooperation arise, for example, with regard to research and development topics, in customer or supplier relationships, and even in joint supply chain solutions.

Both for companies that are in the process of being spun off, for example with a funding program, and for startups that have already been founded - TRIDELTA CAMPUS offers a wide range of opportunities for the next stage of development.

Mentoring und Consulting

Startups receive a special form of encouragement through support and consulting of our business angels. With their extensive competencies, business angels at TRIDELTA CAMPUS help to successfully develop and scale companies, for example in terms of leadership, visionary entrepreneurship and technology development.

The business angels bring valuable know-how as well as an extensive network of contacts to the program. Through their participation as mentors and coaches, they support startups in their strategic orientation, development of business plans and scaling of their companies. This support enables founders to significantly increase their chances of success, shorten the learning curve and make valuable contacts.

Exclusive coaching with CAMPUS Business Angels

The Business Angels at TRIDELTA CAMPUS have extensive experience in various areas of expertise and have built thriving companies themselves. As successful entrepreneurs, they bring their significant experience to the Incubator Program and support startups in the initial phase during and after their founding, as well as expansions.

Manufacturing Strategies

Dr. Ing. André Dronhofer
QSIL Metals Hermsdorf GmbH
#SupplyChain #AdditiveManufacturing #Businessstrategy #Costing

Visionary Entrepreneurship

Dr. Knuth Baumgärtel
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
#Internationalization #Strategy #Growth

Materials & Processing

Daniel Störzner
LCP Laser-Cut-Processing GmbH
#Materialprocessing #Automationtechnology #Suppliermanagement


Frau Sybille Kaiser
Porzellanfabrik Hermsdorf GmbH
#Employeemanagement #Productiontechnology

Technology Development

Prof. Dr. Ingolf Voigt
Fraunhofer IKTS
#Materialproduction #Materialrefinement #R&D #Funding

Investor Relations

Andreas Krey
LEG Thüringen
#Finance #Fundingprograms #Internationalcertification

Startup Service

Almut Weinert
IHK Ostthüringen zu Gera
#Startupservice #Businessfunding #Environment #InternationalBusiness

Regional Governance

Andreas Heller
Landkreis Saale-Holzland
#Planningprocedure #Approvalprocedure

Marketing und Communication

In addition to support and consulting by our business angels, the TRIDELTA CAMPUS office also offers assistance in finding suitable marketing & communication partners. As a member of the TRIDELTA CAMPUS, founders are involved in public relations and benefit from the presence of the high-tech cluster.

One Incubator Program - Many Benefits

These services are included in the Hightech Incubator Program:

- Contact to the Business Angels at TRIDELTA CAMPUS

- Benefit membership at TRIDELTA CAMPUS

- Use of marketing service tool

- Supply of space at the Hightech location

- Personal program coordination

For each startup in the Hightech Incubator program, the TRIDELTA CAMPUS office offers individual program coordination. At the beginning, a joint orientation is conducted to create a customized program for each startup.

How can Hightech Incubator program push your technology startup?

Experiences of our founders

POXOS: Ideal environment for successful business startup

As a spin-off of Fraunhofer IKTS, we benefit from extensive advantages of the Hightech Incubator Program at TRIDELTA CAMPUS. The CAMPUS office supports us in finding a suitable marketing partner and gives us direct access to the comprehensive competencies from manufacturing to the application of hightech ceramics. The location also offers us contact to experienced entrepreneurs, junior staff and researchers as well as supply of space and growth opportunities. For us, the perfect environment for a successful start-up.

Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Kriegel
Future Technical Managing Director POXOS - in spin-off within the exist funding program


Closing times of the CAMPUS Office

TRIDELTA Campus / Lisa Schäfer 18.12.2023

Important information: The Tridelta Campus e.V. office is on Christmas holidays. Our doors will be closed from 22 December 2023 up to and including 5 January 2024 to recharge our batteries and gather fresh ideas. No emails will be answered during this time.

  • Campus
  • Company
  • High-tech makers

general meeting of all members: Tridelta Campus Hermsdorf e.V.

TRIDELTA Campus / Lisa Schäfer 18.12.2023

General meeting at Tridelta Campus Hermsdorf e.V.! 🚀 An inspiring time of looking back, gratitude and looking to the future - especially because it took place on the premises of the CAMPU CUBE.

Next level Innovationen: W3+ Fair in Jena

TRIDELTA Campus / Lisa Schäfer 30.11.2023

digital summit of the federal government: focus on STEM education

TRIDELTA Campus / Lisa Schäfer 22.11.2023

New drive for Sensor Space Project: BMBF funding

TRIDELTA Campus / Lisa Schäfer 06.11.2023

Unterstützer des Projektes