The TAMI Group specializes in the development and manufacture of ceramic tubular membranes for cross-flow, micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration of liquid media. TAMI Germany, as a subsidiary of TAMI Industries, produces the coarsely porous membrane supports and distributes the membrane filters in German-speaking countries, the Benelux countries, northern, central and eastern Europe and Russia.

Healthy and longer shelf life: milk stays fresh with ceramic tubular membranes
The main areas of application for our membranes are filtration and separation processes in the food and beverage industry, chemical process technology, biotechnology, and water and wastewater treatment. In this way, we make an effective contribution worldwide to better health and good nutrition, greater safety and environmental protection.
The most popular application of TAMI products is the production of fresh milk with a longer shelf life. The sterilization and preservation of this milk is achieved by gentle microfiltration, i.e. "cold sterilization" using ceramic tubular membranes. Bacteria and spores are separated, while all valuable and healthy ingredients of the fresh milk are preserved. Dairies have the advantage of energy- and cost-saving, sustainable operation. TAMI developed and patented the ISOFLUX membrane product group specifically for this application.
As standard, TAMI markets multi-channel membranes with non-circular channel cross-sections. This maximizes the active filter area per membrane element. The membranes under the "InsideCeRAM" brand are offered in a total of 13 different cut-offs together with stainless steel housings in seven different size classes. The TAMI Group is thus one of the world's leading manufacturers of ceramic tubular membranes.

Direct Contact
TAMI Deutschland GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 2-4
D-07629 Hermsdorf / Thüringen
T: +49 36601 210570